FIA/ACCA Foundations - Foundations in Business and Technology (FBT) - Study Text | Fintram

FIA/ACCA Foundations – Foundations in Business and Technology (FBT) – Study Text


FIA/ACCA Foundations – Foundations in Business and Technology (FBT)

Study text Applicable uopto Aug’22 Exams

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FIA/ACCA Foundations
Who is it forAnyone preparing for the FBT Business&. Technology Fl exams from Sep 21 to Aug 22.
Why is it importantThe primary reason students fail the applied skills exams is the lack of practice of questions and the way they write the answers.
DeliveryEbook: 3-4 working days, we will email you the codes with activation instructions
Hardcopy : 4- 7 days delivery in India only. Delivery due to COVID restrictions in your city may take an additional 2-3 days
ValidityFor syllabus valid till Aug 2022
Global deliveryWe deliver globally. For your convenience, we display prices based on conversion rates of your country’s geolocation, checkout will be in INR using the same conversion rates.
ACCA RegistrationWe are authorized partners of ACCA and we will help you with the registration for Indian students.

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