ACCA F8 | ACCA Audit and Assurance (AA) (F8) Exam | Fintram

ACCA Skill Level – F8 – Audit and Assurance (AA) – Full Course – Vishnu Vijay



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FacultyVishnu Vijay
No of Lecture81 Lectures of approx. 1 hrs each. This may vary based on the chapter
Validity Period3 and 6 Months or You passing the exam, whichever is earlier
Total ViewsUnlimited
ModeGoogle Drive
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Video LanguageEnglish
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Study Material LanguageEnglish
Applicable ExamACCA Skill
Applicable CourseACCA Skill
Dispatched ByFintram Global Delhi
Dispatch TimeWithin 48 hours
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ACCA F8 (Audit and Assurance):

The ACCA F8 exam, also formerly known as the ACCA AA exam, is part of the qualification process for becoming an ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) member. Audit and Assurance provide you with an understanding of the knowledge and application skills required to carry out an audit engagement. This exam is practical in application, as well as aiming to ensure that candidates who pass this exam understand the basics of an audit. Consequently, The exam seeks to strike a balance between technical knowledge as well as a practical application of this knowledge.

ACCA AA starts with the nature, purpose and scope of assurance engagements, including the statutory audit, and its regulatory environment, and introduces governance and professional ethics relating to audit and assurance. It then leads to planning the audit and performing a risk assessment. The syllabus then covers a range of areas relating to an audit of financial statements including the scope of internal control and the role and function of internal audit. These include evaluating internal controls, audit evidence, and a review of the financial statements.


    • Explain the concept of audit and assurance and the functions of audit, and corporate governance, including ethics and professional conduct.
    • Demonstrate how the auditor obtains and accepts audit engagements, obtains an understanding of the entity and its environment, assesses the risk of material misstatement (whether arising from fraud or other irregularities) and plans an audit of financial statements.
    • Describe and evaluate internal controls, techniques and audit tests, including IT systems to identify and communicate control risks and their potential consequences, making appropriate recommendations. Describe the scope, role and function of internal audit.
    • Identify and describe the work and evidence obtained by the auditor and others required to meet the objectives of audit engagements and the application of the International Standards on Auditing (ISAs).
    • Explain how consideration of subsequent events and the going concern principle can inform the conclusions from audit work and are reflected in different types of auditor’s reports, written representations and the final review and report.


The ACCA AA exam is a fundamental step in your journey towards becoming a qualified accountant. The exam covers a wide range of topics, including the regulatory framework for audit and assurance, planning and risk assessment, audit evidence and procedures, audit completion, and reporting. It also covers other assurance engagements, including review engagements, internal audits, and other non-audit engagements.

The ACCA AA Exam is essential for those aspiring to become professional accountants, auditors, or consultants, as it provides a solid foundation in auditing and assurance practices. By studying and passing the exam, students can demonstrate their competence and expertise in this area, opening up a wide range of career opportunities in various industries worldwide.

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