Feedback FormSubject *Please select an optionFinancial Accounting (FA)Management Accounting (MA)Business and Technology (BT)Financial Management (FM)Audit and Assurance (AA)Performance Management (PM)Strategic Business Leader (SBL)Advanced Audit and Assurance (AAA)Repeater’s Fast Track Course (SBL)Please select an optionCourse *Please select an optionFull CourseRevision Boot CampPlease select an optionLecturer Name *Exam (Month) *Please rate the below on the scale of 1-5 where 5 being excellent and 1 being very poor (1 2 3 4 5)Lecturer (How you rate our Lecturer in following areas?)Organisation of Lectures and Content in Sessions *12345Presentation of Lectures *12345Ability to Articulate and Explain Syllabus Areas *12345Exam Focus Discussions and Support *12345Query Resolutions and Doubt Solving *12345Comments (If any)Lecture Quality (How would you rate our Lecture quality on following? )Feedback for Audio quality of Lectures *12345Your video experience for Lectures *12345Comments (If any)Course Content (How would you rate the following? )Structure of the Course *12345Syllabus Area Coverage *12345Practical Examples being solved as part of Material *12345Exam Focus *12345Comments (If any)Online Learning Platform (How would you rate the following?) Ease of Navigation *12345Troubleshooting Support *12345Overall Experience of Platform *12345Comments (If any)Other General Areas (How would you rate the following? )Course Information eg. Promotional material, course details, introduction, website information *12345Information related to Frequently asked questions or any of your questions *12345Our Classroom Environment eg desk space, lighting, room temperature, Any Disturbances etc. *12345Our Facility- Study Area, Internet Availability, Toilets, Parking Facility etc. *12345Comments (If any)Would you recommend Fintram Global to your friends ? *YesNoAny improvement area in course that you would like to highlightName (Optional)Submit